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生 命 讀 經
信 息
Home: Welcome
生 命 讀 經
信 息
聲明:此網頁不牽涉任何個人金錢利益。其目的在於分享鄭天福兄長所遺下之屬靈產業,以供弟兄姊妹們參考,追求基督,能以一同明白基督的愛,是何等長闊高深。因校對時間匆促,文中或有錯別字,弟兄姊妹閱讀時若發現,請聯絡 以便修改.
Disclaimer: This website does not involve any monetary interest. Its purpose is to share the spiritual wealth left behind by Brother Zion Jeng for the reference of brothers and sisters in pursuit of Christ, so that together we may be able to comprehend what is the width and length and depth and height of the love of Christ. If you find typos in the articles, please inform for amendment.
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